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     H PARK HAIR DRESSING was first found in Taiwan in 2003. To this day, H PARK HAIR DRESSING offers a complete package and full service menu-from creative hairstyling and color, manicure and pedicure, to made-up and other specialized services. H PARK is well known for being the leader and the trendsetter in the hairstyling industry in Taiwan. The key foundation of continuous success of  H PARK is the strong philosophy in creating the exceptional hairstyles for clients that are not only beautiful to look at, but will also satisfy the clients desires to feel beautiful, stylish and confident. Besides featuring the most advanced technology in salon equipment, H PARK is lso devoted to the high standard of quality and attentive team service. H PARK has carefully handpicked a pool of talented hairstylists and technicians, while at the same time, offering training and updates on the latest fashion / hair trends and techniques to educate the next generation of creative hair specialists.

Synonymous with the highest level of style, sensibility and sophistication, H PARK is famous for tending to the tresses of celebrities such as Jay Chou(周杰倫), Zhou Xun(周迅), David Tao(陶喆), Jolin Tsai(蔡依林), S.H.E., May Day(五月天)......etc

Looking ahead, H PARK HAIR DRESSING will continue to provide the most creative work and quality service, and carrying their beliefs and mission to a new zenith.

     H PARK hair dressing 成立於2003年9月.它是一間結合人(Human).髮型(Hair).流行藝術(Hit of pop)的創作空間地理位置選擇全台灣消費能力最高.競爭最激烈的台北市東區.因為它擁有全台灣最知名的創意團隊以及超過70位以上均受過嚴格專業訓練的服務人員.能讓所有的顧客在一個舒適的環境裡,由我們創意團隊為其打造極具流行.時尚的造型.諸多港台知名藝人每天都會來H PARK設計造型.因為H PARK是在台灣的演藝圈.廣告界.Fashion show.流行雜誌.廠商發表會裡最想合作的頂尖設計團隊.於2003年至今己包辦了周杰倫.陶喆.蔡依林.S.H.E.梁靜茹.劉若英.五月天.信.潘偉柏.蘇打綠. . . ..的世界巡迴演唱會之髮型設計. H PARK 是對歷史文化時尚文化有熱忱有使命感及對台灣流行產業有獨特想法的一群人,成立以來也一直朝著理想前進,不僅在流行時尚奠立一種新力量,更將觸角延伸到亞洲區的香港.上海.北京.馬來西亞.越南.甚至歐洲瑞士,德國都有H PARK的聲音,但 H PARK一直不以此自滿期許,在未來除對於專業人士和從業人員進行技能教育外,更希望滿足消費大眾對於美學的渴望,提供更多元化的服務,讓更多消費大眾能提昇自我的美學修養.







H PARK 仁愛店




 Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.   10:30 am-7:00 pm


Mon. Sun. off

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